motion not permitted twice on same day at same
stage of proposal   66
not in order in committee of the whole   19
not in order in extraordinary or special session   93 (5)
precedence of motion to   63 (1)(i), (m)
when committee recommends, question must be
first put   55
Prayer   17 (1)
Precedence of motions   63
Precedent (definition)   99 (57)
Presentation of bills to governor   44m
President, see also presiding officer:
administrative rule notice or report, refers to
committee   46 (2)(am)
appoints committees of conference   20m
bills and resolutions enacted by senate, signs   1 (2)
certificates issued on behalf of legislature, approves   98 (5)
citations issued on behalf of the senate, signs   98 (3)
definition   99 (57d)
duties   4, 46 (2)(am)
election, powers, and prerogatives   1
member of committee on senate organization   20 (1)(a), (b)
refers proposals and appointments to committee   22 (1), 36, 46
removal of member, by   13
serves as presiding officer   1 (2)
substitute, when president is absent   2
writs, warrants, and subpoenas issued by order of
senate, signs   44
President pro tempore:
assumes duties of president (except rule 4) in president's
inability to serve   3
definition   99 (57m)
election powers, prerogatives   1, 3, 4
presides when president is absent   2 (1)
Presiding officer, see also president:
call of the senate, state question   82 (1)
decorum and order, see Decorum in the senate chamber
definition   99 (57p)
disturbance or disorderly conduct, may order
clearing of floor and lobby   13
germaneness of amendments, rules on   50 (2)
names first speaker in debate   57
personal, a special privilege, grants permission to
speak on   60, 61
points of order, decides subject to judgment of senate   7
preserves order and decorum   7 (1), 58
roll call, may order on any vote   72 (1)
when required; see also Quick Finder
stand for the senate   1m
states motions   62, 82
time limit for debate, may schedule   76
voting by   3m
Press, radio, and TV, correspondents admitted to
chamber, recording by   11 (5), (7)
Printed material, reading from, in debate   56
Printing, see reproduction of documents
Privilege, personal or special   60, 61
Privileged motions, questions, and resolutions:
definition   99 (59)
need not lie over for consideration   69
precedence of   63 (1)(d)
relating to organization or proceedings of the
senate are   69
resolutions to be read at length unless distributed   45
Proceedings, resolutions pertaining to senate, privileged   69
Proportional representation on committees   20 (2)(c)
Proposal (definition)   99 (60)
Public hearing:
cancellation of scheduled hearings, notice of   25 (1)(c)
committee, schedule of activities   26
date of, to be entered in history file   30 (3)(a)
list of, filed with the chief clerk   26
public hearing by teleconference   24
publishing notice of, in schedule of committee
activities   26, 93 (2)
time and place of, posting on bulletin boards   25 (1)(c), 93 (2)
appeal from decision of presiding officer   7 (1), (4)
before senate, not changed by motion for main question   79
call of senate, form of putting motion   82 (1)
committee recommendation not changed by adoption
of amendment   55
current, motion for   77
definition   99 (61)
division of   70
how question is stated   71
lost by adjournment   59
main, motion for   77 (3)
not debatable, which are   68
presiding officer states, members not to cross
floor while   8 (2)
privileged, which are   69
recommendation of committee, adoption of amendments
does not change   55
remarks to be confined to question under debate   56
Quorum, see also Quick Finder:
definition   99 (62)
"fiscal bills”, passage of, see Joint Rule 11 (2)
lack of, suspends further business   15
mandatory before any business conducted   15
members present may procure or adjourn   15